Gaia Weekly Events
At Gaia Center we offer weekly events, lectures and workshops all aimed for those interested in the self development journey.
"Change is a choice, the choice is always yours and the time is always now."
Guytane G
Cacao Ceremony
Weekly Cacao group ceremonies limited spaces available . Here are the following groups and spaces available.
Self Mastery weekly lectures
Every Wednesdays gathering of like minded people with a topic related to self development and practices.
Sound healing courses
A large vaariety of sound healing courses for self knowledge or to offer as a complimentary service.
Weekly Cacao group ceremonies limited spaces available . Here are the following groups and spaces available.
Dowsing course
Dowsing course to learn how to use the power of pendulums , purpose and benefits in your everyday lifestyle.
Monthly out door events organized by Gaia Center to special locations with specific energy points to work and experience through a workshop.
Coming soon