Sound Healing Courses at GAIA CENTER ACADEMY | CYPRUS

The purpose of this course is to teach you the mystical, spiritual, medicinal and physical uses of sound therapy through frequency resonance with singing bowls and instruments.

"My goal is to share my knowledge, experience and energy to help you experience the powerful energy of frequency therapy."

-Guytane G.

Transformative sound healing therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowls. Immerse yourself in the soothing vibrations and harmonic resonance for relaxation and holistic well-being. Book a sound healing session or Sound Healing Course at GAIA CENTER Academy in Cyprus.

Sound Healing Courses

We are empowering our students to become healers who can assist others using their integrity, energy and knowledge.

It is important for us that the participants are qualified enough to play their roles as healers which will be energetically presented by their understanding of the teacher.

All participants  should be serious about the course and  invest energetically to get the best experience and knowledge.

We offer different types of sound healing courses depending the requirement of the client.

Not sure which course to choose from?

Please contact us for more info.

Sound healing Basic course | Certificate of Attendance

Sound healing basic course is beneficial for those interested in the knowledge of how sound healing works and how sound frequencies are related to chakras.

In the basic course you will learn about healing, clearing and aligning chakras their history and their scientific proven benefits.


Sound healing Course Level 1 | Certified

This course is for those who want to have a profession in sound healing therapy.

To be certified as a professional sound healer you would need to complete Level 1 & 2 or you can get a Certificate of attendance for Level 1 and receive Level 2 at a later date.


Sound Healing Course Level 2 | Certified

Prerequisite Level 1 completion

This course is for those who have completed Level 1 course and want a deeper knowledge about the singing bowls and want to pursue sound healing therapy as a profession.



Sound Healing Courses for therapists and group work

Sound Healing Course | Masters

Prerequisite Level 1 & 2 Course completion

Master sound healing is for those who completed Level 1 & 2 and have 6 months experience in practicing on clients.

This course adds other techniques to enhance the sound healing therapies.


Sound Healing Bath Group Work

Perquisite Level 1 Course completion

This course is for students who have completed the sound healing course for professional use and would like to combine it with the group dynamic.


Tuning Forks Therapy Course

This course  is for therapists who have completed any of the Sound Healing Courses with us and are interested in using tuning forks to align very specific healing points on the body.


Gongs for Sound Healing Therapy

This course is  for those who have completed at least one of the Sound Healing Courses with us and would like to integrate gongs in their therapies.


Transformative sound healing therapy with Tibetan Singing Bowls. Immerse yourself in the soothing vibrations and harmonic resonance for relaxation and holistic well-being. Book a sound healing session or Sound Healing Course at GAIA CENTER in Cyprus.

Chimes for Sound Healing

This course is for one to one sessions. Chimes create the energy of air elements in Sound Healing sessions connecting us to higher realms and healing our spiritual bodies in the higher dimensions.


Need help? Book a call at a time to suit your schedule

Feel free to call us and we are happy to assist you with the Date & Time available for our upcoming courses:

Mobile | WhatsApp: +357 96588812

E-mail us: